
Showing posts from November, 2019

Food Bank Donations

Hi Parents!  Generosity club will be hosting Pajama Day on Wednesday, November 27, 2019! Generosity club is made up of a group of students who meet once a week to promote generosity and belonging at our school. At times, Generosity club will fundraise to support local programs or charities, such as the Mayor’s Food Drive during the holidays. We show how generous our students and families can be by helping those who may need it. Generosity club also hosts ‘Spirit Days’ throughout the year to help promote belonging in our school. The first of these days will be Pajama Day on November 27, 2019. Students and teachers are encouraged to wear pajamas to school that day, but please, do not send stuffies with your child. If you do not want to wear pajamas that day, please feel free to wear your Keeler shirt! There will be two additional spirit days later this school year. Generosity club is also starting up collection for the Calgary Food Bank. We will be...

Go Away, Big Green Monster!

Students worked hard this week to finish their very own big green monsters! We have been reading "Go Away, Big Green Monster" with our interactive monster model and students have been learning about parts of our faces and bodies.

Budget Update

Dear Parents, The Oct. 24 provincial budget left the CBE with a $32 million shortfall. As this is a mid-year cut, the CBE must act quickly to present a balanced budget to the Board of Trustees before January 2020. Complex decisions are being made in a short time frame to balance our budget. One of the most difficult decisions is to end full-year temporary teaching contracts at CBE schools. Temporary staff were informed yesterday, and the cuts will be effective January 2, 2020. This budget decision impacts our school; some of our students are in classrooms with temporary contract teachers. While this decision may impact your child in January, please know we will continue to support positive transitions and effective teaching and learning. C ontinuity of learning is important, and we are working to minimize disruption to the greatest extent possible. We are in the midst of making several other decisions to cover our budget gap and will update you as soon as possible. Sincere...

November 4th-21st Update

Dear Parents,  From November 4 th -21 st in EDC we are focusing on our “Go Away Big Green Monster” Story. We have an interactive foam monster prop that the children use to identify and remove the monster’s facial parts until it’s all gone – just like the story. This months’ theme is all about me and identifying facial and body parts. We continue this theme in Gym class with colour identification. The children have to match baby monsters with the mommy monster in a physical game. We are incorporating shapes and colour into our table exploration time and have continued using a sensory bin in our classroom. In crafts are creating a monster head and a Mr. Potato Head which focuses on facial part identification. Our movement songs reference body parts, they are called “Head and Shoulders,” the “Hokey Pokey” and “Mat Man.” If you have any questions, concerns, or important information that you would like to share with us, please email Ms. Emily at ebcadman@cbe....