Budget Update

Dear Parents,
The Oct. 24 provincial budget left the CBE with a $32 million shortfall. As this is a mid-year cut, the CBE must act quickly to present a balanced budget to the Board of Trustees before January 2020.
Complex decisions are being made in a short time frame to balance our budget. One of the most difficult decisions is to end full-year temporary teaching contracts at CBE schools. Temporary staff were informed yesterday, and the cuts will be effective January 2, 2020.
This budget decision impacts our school; some of our students are in classrooms with temporary contract teachers. While this decision may impact your child in January, please know we will continue to support positive transitions and effective teaching and learning. Continuity of learning is important, and we are working to minimize disruption to the greatest extent possible.
We are in the midst of making several other decisions to cover our budget gap and will update you as soon as possible.

Kenny Yeung


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