COVID-19 Update - 1:30pm March 15th

Dear Parents, 
The following message was sent out Sunday, March 15th at approximately 1:30pm. Updates will continue to be sent out via SchoolMessenger. 

Date March 15th, 2020 (Approximately 1:30pm)

Hello Keeler Families,
This week's update will focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and the information you need to know at this time. I apologize for the long message, but please take the time to read it and all the essential information it contains.
Please note that at the time this message is coming to you, Keeler School and all CBE schools remain open for students. We will have students at Keeler on Monday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 18th for ALL students at regular school hours. Thursday March 19th is an early dismissal with 8:30am-12:09pm hours for ALL students; NO pm EDC class that day. No CLASSES on Friday March 20th as it is a scheduled non-instructional day.
We respect your right as a parent to make attendance decisions that are right for your family. Many families are already making alternate decisions. As our Chief Superintendent, Chris Usih, recently said: "student health is more important than perfect attendance".
All volunteer events (including field trips), have been cancelled. Guest speakers, student teachers and visiting events have been cancelled. Only school personnel will be permitted into the school beyond the front foyer.
We have been instructed to institute a zero-tolerance measure for sick children. Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called immediately for pick-up if any child is demonstrating symptoms of COVID-19/Coronavirus, which may include: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, and anything including symptoms that may seem like a mild cold). Bottom line, if your child is sick, please keep them home. Note, this zero-tolerance measure also applies to staff.
With Spring Break travel scheduled for many, I would personally urge you to consider your plans in light of all the information available to you. Travel outside of Canada is not recommended at this time. With this advisory in place, your insurance may also be impacted, as might your ability to return home.
At the school level, we are doing all that we can. We follow the lead of our Chief Superintendent, who is in regular communication with Alberta Learning and Alberta Health. Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, also addressed Alberta school leaders
this weekend. Here is what we are doing to ensure student safety:
  • Implementing a zero-tolerance measure for sick children
  • Implementing a zero-tolerance measure for sick staff
  • Limiting the number of adults who come into contact with your children
  • Canceling all trips outside the school
  • Cancelling all whole-school gatherings
  • Cleaning measures for care-taking staff have been redirected to focus on surface
    area and touch-points
  • The school has a full supply of cleansers and hygiene products, and teachers are
    reviewing best techniques for safety with their students
  • We are in regular contact with those making decisions, and they have a top
    priority of maintaining safety for children and managing the pandemic
  • We provide immediate information to our families as it becomes available

In addition to my regular updates, you can look for immediate answers to any questions you might have on the following sites:

AHS Website
CBE FAQs for Parents

In these uncertain times, everyone is urged to educate and make decisions that are right for them and their family. We will respect and support your decisions. Note, with schools open, teachers will not be providing work for students to do at home. We are currently discussing alternatives as a staff and will message you with any supports that may become available.

Finally, I also ask that you consider the health and well-being of our school staff. While charged to ensure stability for our families and safety for your children, we are also moms, dads, daughters and sons ourselves. Despite the challenges of uncertainty, we remain optimistic and look forward to seeing your children tomorrow morning.

If you have any questions that are not answered through any of the website or FAQs, please do not hesitate to email me at
Kind Regards, Kenny Yeung Principal


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