COVID-19 Update - 7:00pm March 16th

Date March 16, 2020

Re: Pick up of personal items Dear Keeler Families,

With the recent announcement of classes being cancelled, we want to ensure you that as a school, our priorities continue to be focused on student safety, teaching and learning. Currently, staff are working hard to develop plans that will help ensure that learning will still continue, accommodating for the new realities that we face. There will be further communication sent as soon as possible from our board. Please continue to check our school website, class blogs and school messenger updates.
We need to ensure that all personal belongings are available for pick-up. Please read through the information below carefully to know when you are able to come and gather your child(s) belonging.
Below is the process, instruction and time to pick up student belongings.

Tuesday March 17th- Thursday March 19th
Time for personal belonging pick-up: 8:30am-11:00am & 12:00pm-3:00pm.
Please contact your child homeroom teacher if you are unable to make these proposed dates and times.

Only one student at a time will be allowed into the classroom to get their personal items (jackets, snow pants, indoor shoes, lunch kit, personal items, medication). Teacher will come down and escort student to the classroom. At this time, we are not sending home visual journals, math journals or duo-tangs. We are working on an instruction plan and will communicate it out to families/guardians as soon as possible. Families will be asked to wait in the foyer or outside while students go to classrooms to get their belongings.

Please check out the lost and found tables for any items, anything left over after Spring Break will be donated. There will also be a bin for ALL library books to be returned.

Thanks for your assistance as we navigate the next steps for the 2019-2020 school year. During times like these, it’s important to work together. We are so grateful for such a supportive parent/guardian group at Keeler and will continue to work hard to overcome the challenges ahead.

Kenny Yeung Principal


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