Jan. 9th-24th, 2020

Hi Parents!

We are so excited to come back to school! From January 9th-24th we will be reading the story "The Snowy Day." While reading the story, an adult is using a small doll and other objects to "act out" the activities that the main character, Peter, is doing during his fun-filled snowy day. Students will be able to use the objects to retell the story independently which helps to build their understanding of sequencing events. We are beginning to work on matching skills such as matching pictures to pictures and matching pictures to objects. Stay tuned for pictures and more details of our learning! Students will continue to build their language and communication skills through songs and visuals. We have several art activities that connect to this story, such as making a paper towel roll snowman and a winter scene. We are continuing to build our fine motor skills by practicing cutting and painting. Please continue to send your child dressed for the weather (or with winter clothing in their backpack) as we will still try to go outside for physical education when the weather permits!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing ebcadman@cbe.ab.ca.

Kind regards,
Emily and the Room 9 EDC Team


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