Thank You and School Website Address

Thank you to ALL the families and community members that came out to our welcome back BBQ on August 29th.  We had over 370 students/families/community members come out! Please check out the school twitter account if you missed the event. 

We are committed to having clear, ongoing communication with our families through a consistent communication platform.  Please refer to our school website:  as each grade will be updating our grade blogs weekly with teacher contact information, principal’s message and information from our twitter feed account. This will be part of our communication plan for the school where parents can access everything they need from the website.

With our modified calendar, by August’s end, we have already put in nearly two weeks of learning with our students. The students and staff have been very engaged and we are off to a great start in our 2019-2020 school year. Our focus at Keeler School remains around student learning, and our students’ purpose for coming here is to learn. We learn not only in the classroom, but also in the hallway, the playground, the lunchroom, and everywhere in between! We are about all learning! 


Ms. Emily 


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