
Dear Keeler Families, 

Our principal Kenny Yeung sent out a principal’s message via school messenger last week.  The message will go directly to your email (Please contact Ms. Woznow in the office if you have changed your email address after submitting your demographic verification form at the end of August).  As mentioned in our previous post, the school is committing to a communication plan to ensure parents are connected to the school and their childs’ learning.

Mr. Yeung will be sending out weekly messages via school messenger. Messages will include school wide important dates and reminders, as well as, resources, system/school updates and anything that will keep our community informed (No messages involving sales or promotion of any products or services will be in these messages).

A class blog is where we will be posting student work, assessments (ie. Rubrics) and questions for parents to have a better understanding of their child’s learning.  In addition, teacher contacts, class dojo and supporting resources will also be on our class blogs.  We are still working on guiding principles as a school to ensure consistency and clear expectations on what parents can expect from our class blogs. We will communicate that out before fall break. Class blogs can be accessed via the school website: 

School twitter will be used to shared stories, tasks, assessments (ie. Rubrics)  and activities that are related to the school to highlight the fantastic work and opportunities going on at Keeler.  Please follow us on:

For anything else, please go to our school website as it will be fully updated with our monthly principals’ message, system stories/messages, upcoming dates, links to resources and more. The school website can be accessed at:

EDC Team


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