
Showing posts from April, 2020

Ms. Emily's April 27th-May 1st Video Message

Hi Parents! I hope that you and your children were able to get outside and enjoy the lovely weather (at a safe distance, of course!) The video below has information about our activities this week: We will have an option Google Meet at 11am on Monday and 11am on Wednesday. You will be able to join the meet the same way that you did last week. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Kind regards, Emily

April 27th-May 1st Principal's Video Message

Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for our weekly video message for April 27 th -May 1 st .    We encourage families to continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates. Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:15pm Friday 8:30am-1:30pm Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions you may have. Sincerely, Kenny Yeung Principal ​

Ms. Emily's April 20-24th Video Message

Hi Parents! The video below outlines our activities for this week! We will have an optional Google Meet on Wednesday morning at 10am. I would like to sing some songs and read a story with the students! I will email you more information about how to join. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns! Kind regards, Emily

April 20-24th Principal's Video Message

Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for our weekly video message for April 20-24.    We encourage families to continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates. Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:15pm Friday 8:30am-1:30pm Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions you may have. Sincerely, Kenny Yeung Principal ​

EDC Resources

Hi Parents,  Below are movement songs and circle time songs, as well as some ideas for activities to do with your child.  Gym/Movement Songs (Gross Motor Skills) Freeze Dance – dancing, gross motor movements, and freeze! Listen and Move - gross motor skills, and matching music to movements Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes – gross motor movements, labelling body parts We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – vocabulary (prepositions), gross motor skills Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – calm down song at the end of gym Circle Songs  Alphabet – singing the ABCs and identifying letters I Can Sing a Rainbow – colour vocabulary and identification  https://www.youtu...

Welcome Back!

Hi Parents!  Welcome Back EDC Students! I'm so excited to be back! I miss you all so much! Even though it will look a little bit different, we will keep learning together! Check out the welcome back video that I made! I'm so excited to talk to you and your families soon!

April 5th Update

Hello Parents, I hope you are doing well! Please see the below message. More information regarding continued programming for EDC students will be forthcoming. I will be in contact with you tomorrow, April 6th and/or Tuesday, April 7th to see how you are doing. April 5th, 2020 Dear Keeler Families, We hope you had a wonderful spring break and used this time of social distancing to reconnect with your family at home. No doubt you and your children are looking forward to our next steps of learning! By now you have received a CBE Communication letting you know of our plans to move learning to an online format. As you can imagine, this is a new way of working and we ask that you be patient as teachers work on a steep learning curve over the next few weeks. Tomorrow, we will call/email you with our initial plans for online learning and how we will support families where that is not possible. In the meanwhile, please continue to access the CBE resources previously shared: https://cbe....

April 3rd Welcome Back Message

Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for a quick welcome back message for Monday April 6th.  Staff will be contacting families on Monday.  Please continue to check school messenger emails, class blogs and school website for updates.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We know that it has been a strange and difficult time for your families and we appreciate the understanding and support we have received from our school community. Sincerely, Kenny Yeung Principal